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Weekly Tech News

Weekly handpicked tech news from 5 – 11 Sep 2020

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Quantum Leap for Speed Limit Bounds

Source: Rice University

Nature’s speed limits aren’t posted on road signs, but Rice University physicists have discovered a new way to deduce them that is better — infinitely better, in some cases — than previous methods. In a study published today in the American Physical Society journal PRX Quantum, Hazzard and Rice graduate student Zhiyuan Wang describe a new method for calculating the upper bound of speed limits in quantum matter.

Original written by: Jade Boyd


Splitting Water Molecules for a Renewable Energy Future

Source: Virginia Tech

The future economy based on renewable and sustainable energy sources might utilize battery-powered cars, large-scale solar and wind farms, and energy reserves stored in batteries and chemical fuels. Although there are examples of sustainable energy sources in use already, scientific and engineering breakthroughs will determine the timeline for widespread adoption.


Apple Watch ECG Feature Receives Final Medical Approval in Japan

Source: MacRumors

Apple's ECG app and irregular heart rhythm notifications on the Apple Watch Series 4 and 5 have received domestic approval and certification from Japan's medical authorities, indicating that both features should go live in the country very soon.

Original written by: Tim Hardwick


Terahertz Receiver for 6G Wireless Communications

Source: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Future wireless networks of the 6th generation (6G) will consist of a multitude of small radio cells that need to be connected by broadband communication links. In this context, wireless transmission at THz frequencies represents a particularly attractive and flexible solution. Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have now developed a novel concept for low-cost terahertz receivers.


Lightweight Green Supercapacitors Could Quickly Charge Devices

Source: Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University researchers have created a novel plant-based energy storage device that in the near future could charge devices — even electric cars — within a few minutes. Furthermore, they say their devices are flexible, lightweight and cost-effective.

Original written by: Vandana Suresh


Stanford Researchers Devise Way to See Through Clouds and Fog

Source: Stanford University

Using a new algorithm, Stanford researchers have reconstructed the movements of individual particles of light to see through clouds, fog and other obstructions. Like a comic book come to life, researchers at Stanford University have developed a kind of X-ray vision – only without the X-rays.

Original written by: Taylor Kubota


New Glove-Like Device Mimics Sense of Touch

Source: University of New South Wales

What if you could touch a loved one during a video call – particularly in today’s social distancing era of COVID-19 – or pick up and handle a virtual tool in a video game? UNSW engineers have invented a soft wearable device which simulates the sense of touch and has wide potential for medical, industrial and entertainment applications.

Original written by: Caroline Tang


Experiments Reveal Why Human-Like Robots Elicit Uncanny Feelings

Source: Emory Health Sciences

Androids, or robots with humanlike features, are often more appealing to people than those that resemble machines — but only up to a certain point. Many people experience an uneasy feeling in response to robots that are nearly lifelike, and yet somehow not quite “right.” The feeling of affinity can plunge into one of repulsion as a robot’s human likeness increases, a zone known as “the uncanny valley.”

Original written by: Carol Clark


Researchers Report Positive Results for Rewalk Restore Exosuit In Stroke Rehabilitation

Source: Kessler Foundation

A team of U.S. researchers published the results of a multi-center, single-arm trial of the ReWalk ReStore™ for gait training in individuals undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation. They found the device safe and reliable during treadmill and overground walking under the supervision of physical therapists.




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