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Week in Science (30 May – 5 May 2021)

Science News related to Nanomaterials With Laser Printing, Chip Under Skin – Risk of Recurrent Stroke, Water Pollution, Discovering a Massive Star Cluster, Ingredients for Life on Earth, Exceptional Cosmic Explosion, Powerful Underwater Glue, Atom Chip Interferometer – Quantum Gravity

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 31 May 2021

An interdisciplinary team presents a laser-driven technology that enables them to create nanoparticles out of materials such as copper, cobalt and nickel oxides. At the usual printing speed, photoelectrodes are produced in this way, for example, for a wide range of applications such as the generation of green hydrogen.


Source: Massachusetts General Hospital 1 Jun 2021

Recent research has shown that a small chip inserted under the skin can monitor the heart rate and rhythm, and help physicians detect atrial fibrillation in patients who previously experienced what’s called a cryptogenic stroke, one with no identified cause despite thorough patient testing.


Source: Northwestern University 1 Jun 2021

Inspired by Chicago’s many nearby bodies of water, a team has developed a way to repeatedly remove and reuse phosphate from polluted waters. The researchers liken the development to a “Swiss Army knife” for pollution remediation as they tailor their membrane to absorb and later release other pollutants.

Original written by: Lila Reynolds


Source: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) 2 Jun 2021

An international team has discovered a massive cluster of stars of intermediate age in the direction of the Scutum constellation. This object, which has been named Valparaíso 1, lies some seven thousand light years away from the Sun, and contains at least fifteen thousand stars. To detect it, observations have been combined from ESA’s Gaia satellite, and various ground-based telescopes, including the Isaac Newton Telescope at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Garafía, La Palma, Canary Islands).


Source: Kobe University 2 Jun 2021

A research group has demonstrated that the heat generated by the impact of a small astronomical body could enable aqueous alteration and organic solid formation to occur on the surface of an asteroid. They achieved this by first conducting high-velocity impact cratering experiments using an asteroid-like target material and measuring the post-impact heat distribution around the resulting crater. From these results, they then established a rule-of-thumb for maximum temperature and the duration of the heating, and developed a heat conduction model from this.


Source: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY 3 Jun 2021

Scientists have gained the best view yet of the brightest explosions in the universe: A specialised observatory in Namibia has recorded the most energetic radiation and longest gamma-ray afterglow of a so-called gamma-ray burst (GRB) to date. The observations with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) challenge the established idea of how gamma-rays are produced in these colossal stellar explosions which are the birth cries of black holes, as the international team reports.


Source: Tufts University 3 Jun 2021

Engineers report a new type of glue inspired by stubbornly adherent crustaceans, the barnacles. Starting with the fibrous silk protein harvested from silkworms, they were able to replicate key features of barnacle and mussel glue, including protein filaments, chemical crosslinking and iron bonding. The result is a powerful non-toxic glue that sets and works as well underwater as it does in dry conditions and is stronger than most synthetic glue products now on the market.


Source: University of Groningen 4 Jun 2021

Physicists have created a quantum interferometer on an atom chip. This device can be used to explore the fundamentals of quantum theory by studying the interference pattern between two beams of atoms. They describe how the device could be adapted to use mesoscopic particles instead of atoms. This modification would allow for expanded applications.



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