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Week in Health (29 May – 4 Jun 2021)

Health News related to Diabetes Remission Diet, Air Quality During India’s Lockdown, Chimeric Viruses, Complex Packing of Nucleosomes, Healthy Eating Habits, Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation Devices, Improving Heart Attack Treatment, Heavy Water – Biological Clock

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Diabetologia 31 May 2021

New research has shown that if people achieve and maintain substantial weight loss to manage their type 2 diabetes, many can also effectively control their high blood pressure and stop or cut down on their anti-hypertensive medication.


Source: University of Southampton 1 Jun 2021

Research has shown the first COVID-19 lockdown in India led to an improvement in air quality and a reduction in land surface temperature in major urban areas across the country. The study found that travel and work restrictions imposed early in the pandemic resulted in a significant environmental improvement, due to an abrupt reduction in industrial activities and a major decrease in the use of land and air transport.


Source: Monash University 1 Jun 2021

In a recent study, scientists used an original approach to resolve the 3D structure of flaviviruses with an unprecedented level of detail, identifying small molecules known as ‘pocket factors’ as new therapeutic targets. In the study, the researchers have generated three new flavivirus structures using an approach that does not require the same level of containment.


Source: Kyoto University 1 Jun 2021

Scientists have developed a technology that produces high-resolution simulations of one of the basic units of our genomes, called the nucleosome. Their findings should help improve understanding of how changes in nucleosome folding influence the inner workings of genes.


Source: Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health 1 Jun 2021

Researchers found that when health workers were trained to promote infant healthy feeding practices to pregnant women their children consumed less fats and carbohydrates at 3 years of age and had lower measures of body fat at the age of 6. The study is the first to show that the roots for obesity start in the first year of life, after mothers stop breastfeeding.


Source: Brown University 1 Jun 2021

By delivering small electrical pulses directly to the brain, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can ease tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease or help relieve chronic pain. The technique works well for many patients, but researchers would like to make DBS devices that are a little smarter by adding the capability to sense activity in the brain and adapt stimulation accordingly. Now, a new algorithm developed could be an important step toward such adaptive DBS. The algorithm removes a key hurdle that makes it difficult for DBS systems to sense brain signals while simultaneously delivering stimulation.


Source: Washington State University 2 Jun 2021

A new study has identified a protein that could be the key to improving treatment outcomes after a heart attack. The research suggests that protein kinase A (PKA) plays a role in heart muscle cell necrosis, a major type of cell death that commonly occurs after reperfusion therapy, the treatment used to unblock arteries and restore blood flow after a heart attack.

Original written by: Judith Van Dongen


Source: Universität Leipzig 4 Jun 2021

Scientists have succeeded in reversibly slowing down cellular processes. They were able to show in experiments that cells can be transferred into slow motion without changing the temperature. From a physical point of view, such possibilities have so far only been available in the context of the theory of relativity.

Original written by: Susann Huster



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