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Weekly Science News

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Weekly handpicked news from 24-Aug-2020 to 30-Aug-2020

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Vast Stone Monuments Constructed in Arabia 7,000 Years Ago

Source: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

New archaeological research in Saudi Arabia documents hundreds of stone structures interpreted as monumental sites where early pastoralists carried out rituals. In a new study published in The Holocene, researchers from the Max Planck Society in Jena together with Saudi and international collaborators, present the first detailed study of ‘mustatil’ stone structures in the Arabian Desert.


Sleep Duration, Efficiency and Structure Change in Space

Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Researchers at Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, and NASA Ames Research Center studied the sleep patterns of four cosmonauts and one astronaut before, during and after spaceflight to conduct missions on the space station. Preliminary results show that they slept an average of only 5.7 hours in space, compared with 6.7 hours on Earth. They also spent significantly more time awake in bed, leading to a 17.7% reduction in sleep efficiency.


50 New Planets are Discovered, Thanks to This AI

Source: Meedios

Many people, including great scientists like Stephen Hawking, are afraid of how Artificial Intelligence will evolve in the near future. Whether this technology will exterminate us one day or not, the truth is that it continues for the moment to be extremely useful. One recent proof is what a team of scientists from Warwick University (Coventry, England) managed to do with the help of a machine learning algorithm.

Original written by: James K. Babb


Antarctica’s More Than Half of The Ice Shelves Are at Risk of Crumbling Down!

Source: GizmoPosts24

Our Antarctica is preventing huge glaciers from sliding into the ocean. Whoever is aware of more than half the ice shelves ringing Antarctica, must have in their knowledge restored like lifting sea levels, at risk of crumbling, due to climate change. The melted water runs into deep fissures.

Original written by: Tania Ghosh


New Observations of Black Hole Devouring A Star Reveal Rapid Disk Formation

Source: University of California - Santa Cruz

When a star passes too close to a supermassive black hole, tidal forces tear it apart, producing a bright flare of radiation as material from the star falls into the black hole. Astronomers study the light from these “tidal disruption events” (TDEs) for clues to the feeding behavior of the supermassive black holes lurking at the centers of galaxies.

Original written by: Tim Stephens


Antiviral Used to Treat Cat Coronavirus Also Works Against SARS-CoV-2

Source: University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Researchers at the University of Alberta are preparing to launch clinical trials of a drug used to cure a deadly disease caused by a coronavirus in cats that they expect will also be effective as a treatment for humans against COVID-19.

Original written by: Gillian Rutherford


Cochlear Implants Should be Recommended For Adults More Often

Source: Washington University School of Medicine

An international group of hearing specialists has released a new set of recommendations emphasizing that cochlear implants should be offered to adults who have moderate to severe or worse hearing loss much more often than is the current practice. The group hopes the recommendations help increase usage of such devices, potentially improving hearing and quality of life for millions worldwide.

Original written by: Julia Evangelou Strait




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