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Weekly Science News

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Weekly handpicked news from 13-Jul-2020 to 19-Jul-2020

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Intelligent Sensing Abilities for Robots to Carry Out Complex Tasks

Source: National University of Singapore

Picking up a can of soft drink may be a simple task for humans, but this is a complex task for robots - it has to locate the object, deduce its shape, determine the right amount of strength to use, and grasp the object without letting it slip. Most of today’s robots operate solely based on visual processing, which limits their capabilities. In order to perform more complex tasks, robots have to be equipped with an exceptional sense of touch and the ability to process sensory information quickly and intelligently.


Data Analytics can Predict Global Warming Trends, Heat Waves

Source: Arizona State University

New research to augment meteorological studies that predict global warming trends & heat waves, adding human-originated factors. The process quantifies the changing statistics of temperature evolution before global warming in the early 20th century and recent heat wave events to serve as the early warning signals for potential catastrophic changes. In addition, the study illustrates the contrast between urban and rural early warning signals for extreme heat waves.


Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions and Energy Use in Oil Refining

Source: Georgia Institute of Technology

New membrane technology developed by a team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, and ExxonMobil could help reduce carbon emissions and energy intensity associated with refining crude oil. Laboratory testing suggests that this polymer membrane technology could replace some conventional heat-based distillation processes in the future.

Original written by: John Toon


Breakthrough Blood Test Detects Positive COVID-19 Result in 20 Minutes

Source: Monash University

World-first research by Monash University in Australia has been able to detect positive COVID-19 cases using blood samples in about 20 minutes, and identify whether someone has contracted the virus. In a discovery that could advance the worldwide effort to limit the community spread of COVID-19 through robust contact tracing, researchers were able to identify recent COVID-19 cases using 25 microlitres of plasma from blood samples.


New Data About Asteroid Surfaces Will Help Explorers Touchdown Safely

Source: University of Rochester

Using sand, marbles, & mathematical modeling, researchers are improving the accuracy of data collected from the surfaces of asteroids.Recent NASA missions to asteroids have gathered important data about the early evolution of our Solar System, planet formation, and how life may have originated on Earth. These missions also provide crucial information about how to deflect asteroids that could hit Earth.

Original written by: Lindsey Valich




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