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Week in Tech (7 – 13 May 2021)

Weekly Tech News related to Great Microscopes Better with AI, Patients – AI Doctors, AI – Sarcasm on Social Media, Educational Apps for Children, YouTube Shorts Fund, Turning Mental Handwriting into Text on Screen, Interactive Typeface, Boosting Domestic Production of Batteries in India, AI Learning to Type on A Phone

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: European Molecular Biology Laboratory 7 May 2021

To observe the swift neuronal signals in a fish brain, scientists have started to use a technique called light-field microscopy, which makes it possible to image such fast biological processes in 3D. But the images are often lacking in quality, and it takes hours or days for massive amounts of data to be converted into 3D volumes and movies. Now, scientists have combined artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms with two cutting-edge microscopy techniques – an advance that shortens the time for image processing from days to mere seconds, while ensuring that the resulting images are crisp and accurate.


Source: Penn State 10 May 2021

As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health applications grows, health providers are looking for ways to improve patients’ experience with their machine doctors. Researchers found that people may be less likely to take health advice from an AI doctor when the robot knows their name and medical history. On the other hand, patients want to be on a first-name basis with their human doctors.

Original written by: Matt Swayne


Source: University of Central Florida 11 May 2021

A team developed a technique that accurately detects sarcasm in social media text. Effectively the team taught the computer model to find patterns that often indicate sarcasm and combined that with teaching the program to correctly pick out cue words in sequences that were more likely to indicate sarcasm. They taught the model to do this by feeding it large data sets and then checked its accuracy.

Original written by: Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala


Source: Penn State 11 May 2021

A new research suggests that the educational apps might not be as beneficial to children as they seem. The study analyzed some of the most downloaded educational apps for kids, using a set of four criteria designed to evaluate whether an app provides a high-quality educational experience for children. The researchers found that most of the apps scored low, with free apps scoring even lower than their paid counterparts on some criteria.

Original written by: Katie Bohn


Source: TechCrunch 11 May 2021

YouTube on Tuesday introduced the YouTube Shorts Fund, a $100 million fund that will pay YouTube Shorts creators for their most viewed and most engaging content over the course of 2021 and 2022. Creators can’t apply for the fund to help with content production, however. Instead, YouTube will reach out to creators each month whose videos exceeded certain milestones to reward them for their contributions.

Original written by: Sarah Perez


Source: Howard Hughes Medical Institute 12 May 2021

Scientists are exploring a number of ways for people with disabilities to communicate with their thoughts. The newest and fastest turns back to a vintage means for expressing oneself: handwriting. For the first time, researchers have deciphered the brain activity associated with trying to write letters by hand. Working with a participant with paralysis who has sensors implanted in his brain, the team used an algorithm to identify letters as he attempted to write them. Then, the system displayed the text on a screen – in real time.


Source: Technische Universitat Darmstadt 12 May 2021

A team of researchers has developed a computer font that adapts its appearance based on the user’s interaction with the text. “AdaptiFont” measures a user’s reading speed and interactively changes the font’s shape seamlessly and continuously to allow the user to read text more easily. By employing an artificial intelligence algorithm, new personalized fonts are generated on the fly in such a way that they increase an individual reader’s reading speed.


Source: TechCrunch 12 May 2021

India’s cabinet on Wednesday approved Department of Heavy Industry’s proposal to provide incentives to boost domestic production of batteries with advanced energy storage, the latest in a series of efforts by New Delhi to make the world’s second-largest internet market less reliant on other nations for various electronics goods and shrink its trade deficit.

Original written by: Manish Singh


Source: Aalto University 12 May 2021

Researchers have created the first artificial intelligence model that predicts how people move their eyes and fingers while typing. The AI model can simulate how a human user would type any sentence on any keyboard design. It makes errors, detects them — though not always immediately — and corrects them, very much like humans would. The simulation also predicts how people adapt to alternating circumstances, like how their writing style changes when they start using a new auto-correction system or keyboard design.



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