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Week in Science (7 – 13 Feb 2021)

Science News related to Creating Artificial Bones, Possible Explanation for Elusive Dark-Matter-Free Galaxies, Super-Earth’s Interior Dynamics, The Origin of Our Species, New Way to Look for Life-Sustaining Planets, Origami-Inspired Antenna Technology for Use in Small Satellites, A New Law of Phase Separation

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: NYU Tandon School of Engineering 8 Feb 2021

Researchers have taken a major step by creating the exact replica of a bone using a system that pairs biothermal imaging with a heated “nano-chisel.” In a study, the investigators detail a system allowing them to sculpt, in a biocompatible material, the exact structure of the bone tissue, with features smaller than the size of a single protein — a billion times smaller than a meter. This platform, called, bio-thermal scanning probe lithography (bio-tSPL), takes a “photograph” of the bone tissue, and then uses the photograph to produce a bona-fide replica of it.


Source: University of California – Riverside 9 Feb 2021

A team has found that some dwarf galaxies may today appear to be dark-matter free even though they formed as galaxies dominated by dark matter in the past. For the study, the researchers used cosmological and hydrodynamical simulation called Illustris, which offers a galaxy formation model that includes stellar evolution, supernova feedback, black hole growth, and mergers.

Original written by: Iqbal Pittalwala


Source: Carnegie Institution for Science 9 Feb 2021

New research provides a framework for understanding the interiors of super-Earths—rocky exoplanets between 1.5 and 2 times the size of our home planet—which is a prerequisite to assess their potential for habitability. Planets of this size are among the most abundant in exoplanetary systems.


Source: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History 10 Feb 2021

A study identified three key phases in our ancestry that are surrounded by major questions, and which will be frontiers in coming research. The scientists argue that no specific point in time can currently be identified when modern human ancestry was confined to a limited birthplace, and that the known patterns of the first appearance of anatomical or behavioural traits that are often used to define Homo sapiens fit a range of evolutionary histories.


Source: University of Arizona 10 Feb 2021

It is now possible to capture images of planets that could potentially sustain life around nearby stars, thanks to advances reported by an international team of astronomers. Using a newly developed system for mid-infrared exoplanet imaging, in combination with a very long observation time, the researchers say they can now use ground-based telescopes to directly capture images of planets about three times the size of Earth within the habitable zones of nearby stars.

Original written by: Daniel Stolte


Source: Pusan National University 10 Feb 2021

In a brand-new study, scientists have revealed a novel antenna design for use in CubeSat nanosatellites using state-of-the-art communications systems like 6G communications. Using theoretical knowledge based on origami theory, mechanical dynamics, and antenna array principles, the researchers built a small, lightweight, and reconfigurable antenna for CubeSat depending on operational mode selected. This could potentially mark the beginning of a new era in satellite communications


Source: Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo 10 Feb 2021

Researchers investigated the mechanism of phase separation into the two phases with very different particle mobilities using computer simulations. They found that slow dynamics of complex connected networks control the rate of demixing, which can assist in the design of new functional porous materials, like lithium-ion batteries.



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