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Week in Science (9 – 15 May 2021)

Science News related to Helping Robots Better Navigate Emergency Rooms, Correcting Motion Blur in Single-Photon Images, Medical Imaging – Deep Neural Networks, Fastest Information-Fuelled Engine, Scaling Down Ionic Transistors, Solid State Lithium Battery, Measuring Brain Blood Flow, 3D Printed Jelly, Solar Wind – Center of The Earth

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: University of California - San Diego 10 May 2021

Computer scientists have developed a more accurate navigation system that will allow robots to better negotiate busy clinical environments in general and emergency departments more specifically. The researchers have also developed a dataset of open source videos to help train robotic navigation systems in the future.


Source: Tokyo University of Science 10 May 2021

Researchers have developed an innovative deblurring approach that accurately estimates the motion of individual objects and adjusts the final image accordingly. Their strategy produces high-quality images even in complex dynamic scenes and may find applications in medicine, science, and security.


Source: SPIE--International Society for Optics and Photonics 10 May 2021

Scientists have carried out a study investigating whether deep neural networks can represent associations between gene expression, histology (microscopic features of biological tissues), and CT-derived image features. They found that the network could not only reproduce previously reported associations but also identify new ones.


Source: Simon Fraser University 11 May 2021

Researchers have designed a remarkably fast engine that taps into a new kind of fuel — information. The development of this engine, which converts the random jiggling of a microscopic particle into stored energy, could lead to significant advances in the speed and cost of computers and bio-nanotechnologies.


Source: The University of Hong Kong 12 May 2021

Researchers have developed an atomic-scale ion transistor based on electrically gated graphene channels of around 3 angstrom width which demonstrated highly selective ion transport. They also found that ions move a hundred times faster in such a tiny channel than they do in bulk water. This breakthrough not only provides fundamental understanding of fast ion sieving in atomic scale, but also leads to highly switchable ultrafast ion transport that can find important applications in electrochemical and biomedical applications.


Source: Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 May 2021

Researchers have designed a stable, lithium-metal solid state battery that can be charged and discharged at least 10,000 times — far more cycles than have been previously demonstrated — at a high current density. This battery technology could increase the lifetime of electric vehicles to that of the gasoline cars — 10 to 15 years — without the need to replace the battery. With its high current density, the battery could pave the way for electric vehicles that can fully charge within 10 to 20 minutes.

Original written by: Leah Burrows


Source: University of California – Davis 12 May 2021

A new, noninvasive method for measuring brain blood flow with light has been developed by biomedical engineers and neurologists, and used to detect brain activation. The new method, functional interferometric diffusing wave spectroscopy, or fiDWS, promises to be cheaper than existing technology and could be used for assessing brain injuries, or in neuroscience research.

Original written by: Andy Fell


Source: North Carolina State University 13 May 2021

3D-printable gels with improved and highly controlled properties can be created by merging micro and nano-sized networks of the same materials harnessed from seaweed, according to new research. The findings could have applications in biomedical materials – think of biological scaffolds for growing cells – and soft robotics.

Original written by: Mick Kulikowski


Source: University of Heidelberg 14 May 2021

High-precision noble gas analyses indicate that solar wind particles from our primordial Sun were encased in the Earth’s core over 4.5 billion years ago. Researchers have concluded that the particles made their way into the overlying rock mantle over millions of years. The scientists found solar noble gases in an iron meteorite they studied. Because of their chemical composition, such meteorites are often used as natural models for the Earth’s metallic core.



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