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Week in Health (13 – 19 Mar 2021)

Health News related to Alzheimer’s Disease Classification through Artificial Intelligence, COVID and Damaging Inflammatory Cells, Deadly Brain Diseases, Values Kids Learn from Popular Shows, Abuse in Childhood and Adolescence, Burning Fat Better, Protection Against Heart Disease Death, Ultrasound Damaging Coronaviruses, Quick Breaks at Offices, Speeding Up Muscle Repair, 3D-Printing of Human Organs Closer to Reality, Cellular Lineage

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Boston University School of Medicine 15 Mar 2021

Using an advanced AI (artificial intelligence) framework based on game theory (known as generative adversarial network or GAN), a research team processed brain images (some low and high quality) to generate a model that was able to classify Alzheimer’s disease with improved accuracy. The researchers obtained brain MR images from both 1.5 Tesla and the 3 Tesla scanners of the same subjects taken at the same time, and developed a GAN model that learned from both these images.


Source: Columbia University Irving Medical Center 15 Mar 2021

A cytokine “hurricane” centered in the lungs drives respiratory symptoms in patients with severe COVID-19, a new study suggests. Two cytokines, CCL2 and CCL3, appear critical in luring immune cells, called monocytes, from the bloodstream into the lungs, where the cells launch an overaggressive attempt to clear the virus. Targeting these specific cytokines with inhibitors may calm the immune reaction and prevent lung tissue damage.


Source: Imperial College London 15 Mar 2021

For the first time, researchers have pinpointed what causes normal proteins to convert to a diseased form, causing conditions like CJD and Kuru. The research team also tested a way to block the process, which could lead to new drugs for combatting these diseases. The research concerned prion diseases – a group of brain diseases caused by proteins called prions that malfunction and ‘misfold’, turning into a form that can accumulate and kill brain cells. These diseases can take decades to manifest, but are then aggressive and fatal.

Original written by: Hayley Dunning


Source: University of California - Los Angeles 15 Mar 2021

The messages children between the ages of 8 and 12 glean from TV play a significant role in their development, influencing attitudes and behaviors as they grow into their teenage years and beyond, psychologists say. Now, a new report assessed the values emphasized by television programs popular with tweens over each decade from 1967 to 2017, charting how 16 values have waxed and waned in importance during that 50-year span.

Original written by: Stuart Wolpert


Source: BMC (BioMed Central) 16 Mar 2021

Children who are exposed to abuse before they are eleven years old, and those exposed to abuse both in childhood and adolescence may be more likely to develop conduct problems (such as bullying or stealing) than those exposed to abuse in adolescence only and those who are not exposed to abuse, according to a study.


Source: University of Bath 16 Mar 2021

Females who are fit and healthy tend to burn more fat when they exercise than men, according to new research from a team of sports nutritionists. The research, comprising two new studies, analysed the factors that most influenced individuals’ capacity to burn body fat when undertaking endurance sports. Their results found that females and those who were physically fitter, right across the age ranges, burnt fat more efficiently when exercising.


Source: University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences 16 Mar 2021

A new study shows that while men and women who have high muscle mass are less likely to die from heart disease, it also appears that women who have higher levels of body fat — regardless of their muscle mass — have a greater degree of protection than women with less fat.

Original written by: Enrique Rivero


Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 16 Mar 2021

A new study suggests that coronaviruses may be vulnerable to ultrasound vibrations, within the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging. Through computer simulations, the team has modeled the virus’ mechanical response to vibrations across a range of ultrasound frequencies. They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water.

Original written by: Jennifer Chu


Source: North Carolina State University 16 Mar 2021

Recent research shows that people are more likely to take “microbreaks” at work on days when they’re tired – but that’s not a bad thing. The researchers found that microbreaks seem to help tired employees bounce back from their morning fatigue and engage with their work better over the course of the day.


Source: University of California - San Diego 17 Mar 2021

A study provides new insights for developing therapies for muscle disease, injury, and atrophy. By studying how different pluripotent stem cell lines build muscle, researchers have for the first time discovered how epigenetic mechanisms can be triggered to accelerate muscle cell growth at different stages of stem cell differentiation.

Original written by: Liezel Labios


Source: Lund University 17 Mar 2021

Researchers have designed a new bioink which allows small human-sized airways to be 3D-bioprinted with the help of patient cells for the first time. The 3D-printed constructs are biocompatible and support new blood vessel growth into the transplanted material. This is an important first step towards 3D-printing organs.


Source: Yale University 18 Mar 2021

Researchers have devised a way to recreate the earliest stages of cellular development that produces such an amazing diversity of cell types. Using skin cells harvested from two living humans, researchers were able to track their cellular lineage by identifying tiny variations or mutations contained within the genomes of those cells.

Original written by Bill Hathaway



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