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Week in Health (8 – 14 May 2021)

Health News related to Vegetarians Having Healthier Biomarker Profiles, Microneedle Patch Delivering Antibiotics, New Vaccine Blocking COVID-19 and Variants, Better Way to Blocking Viruses, Gene Therapy Restoring Immune Function, Tiny Wireless Injectable Chip, Efficiently Smuggling Drugs into Cells, Brain Receptors Involved in Memory and Learning, Cancer’s Ripple Effect on Distant Tissues, Fruits and Vegetables – Less Stress

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: European Association for the Study of Obesity 10 May 2021

Research shows that vegetarians appear to have a healthier biomarker profile than meat-eaters. This applies to adults of any age and weight, and is also unaffected by smoking and alcohol consumption, according to a new study in over 166,000 UK adults.


Source: Karolinska Institutet 10 May 2021

MRSA skin infections are often treated with intravenous injection of antibiotics, which can cause significant side effects and promote the development of resistant bacterial strains. To solve these problems, researchers are developing a microneedle patch that delivers antibiotics directly into the affected skin area. New results that the microneedle patch effectively reduces MRSA bacteria in the skin.


Source: Duke University Medical Center 10 May 2021

A potential new vaccine developed by members of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute has proven effective in protecting monkeys and mice from a variety of coronavirus infections -- including SARS-CoV-2 as well as the original SARS-CoV-1 and related bat coronaviruses that could potentially cause the next pandemic.


Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison 10 May 2021

By engineering a short chunk of protein, or peptide, that can prevent the attachment of human parainfluenza viruses to cells, researchers have improved a method in rodent models intended to help keep children healthy. The researchers built upon years of work on peptide treatments to generate one capable of blocking the HPIV3 attachment process.

Original written by: Eric Hamilton


Source: NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 11 May 2021

An investigational gene therapy can safely restore the immune systems of infants and children who have a rare, life-threatening inherited immunodeficiency disorder, according to research. The researchers found that 48 of 50 children who received the gene therapy retained their replenished immune system function two to three years later and did not require additional treatments for their condition, known as severe combined immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency, or ADA-SCID.


Source: Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science 12 May 2021

Researchers report that they have built what they say is the world's smallest single-chip system, consuming a total volume of less than 0.1 mm^3. The system is as small as a dust mite and visible only under a microscope. In order to achieve this, the team used ultrasound to both power and communicate with the device wirelessly.

Original written by: Holly Evarts


Source: Technische Universität Dresden 12 May 2021

A new, patented method called Progressive Mechanoporation makes it possible to mechanically disrupt the membranes of cells for a short time period and let drugs or genes inside cells. In this way, researchers can test new therapies more easily than before.


Source: Oregon Health & Science University 12 May 2021

Scientists have for the first time revealed the structure surrounding important receptors in the brain’s hippocampus, the seat of memory and learning. The new study focuses on the organization and function of glutamate receptors, a type of neurotransmitter receptor involved in sensing signals between nerve cells in the hippocampus region of the brain. The study reveals the molecular structure of three major complexes of glutamate receptors in the hippocampus.

Original written by: Erik Robinson


Source: Washington University in St. Louis 13 May 2021

A new study with zebrafish shows that a deadly form of skin cancer — melanoma — alters the metabolism of healthy tissues elsewhere in the body. The research suggests that these other tissues could potentially be targeted to help treat cancer. The scientists fed the zebrafish special versions of nutrients tagged with isotope labels. These labels allowed the scientists to track where nutrients go and into what molecules they get broken down. They found that a molecule being spit out by the tumor was being taken up by the liver to make glucose.

Original written by: Talia Ogliore


Source: Edith Cowan University 14 May 2021

Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is associated with less stress, according to new research. The study examined the link between fruit and vegetable intake and stress levels of more than 8,600 Australians aged between 25 and 91 participating in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) Study from Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.



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