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Week in Health (24 – 30 Apr 2021)

Health News related to Pain-Relieving Effects of CBD, Bioprinting During Surgery, Protein Produced After Stroke That Triggers Neurodegeneration, New Treatment for COVID-19 Patients, ‘Nanotraps’ To Catch and Clear Coronavirus, Brain Cells in Alzheimer’s, Genetic Mutations in Any Tissue, Draining Brain’s Debris, Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration, Blood Cancer Treatment, Mental Health Problem After Concussion, New Gene Editing Technique

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Syracuse University 25 Apr 2021

While users tout cannabidiol’s (CBD) effectiveness in pain relief, up until now there’s been limited experimental human research on the actual effectiveness of the drug. However, a new study sheds light on the ability of CBD to reduce pain along with the impact that the so-called placebo effect may have on pain outcomes.

Original written by: Keith Kobland


Source: Penn State 26 Apr 2021

Fixing traumatic injuries to the skin and bones of the face and skull is difficult because of the many layers of different types of tissues involved, but now, researchers have repaired such defects in a rat model using bioprinting during surgery, and their work may lead to faster and better methods of healing skin and bones.

Original written by: A'ndrea Elyse Messer


Source: UT Southwestern Medical Center 27 Apr 2021

Researchers have identified a new protein implicated in cell death that provides a potential therapeutic target that could prevent or delay the progress of neurodegenerative diseases following a stroke. The scientists identified and named AIF3, an alternate form of the apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), a protein that is critical for maintaining normal mitochondrial function. Once released from mitochondria, AIF triggers processes that induce a type of programmed cell death.


Source: Ohio State University 27 Apr 2021

A new treatment is among the first known to reduce the severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by the flu in animals, according to a new study. Tests in mice infected with high doses of influenza showed that the treatment could improve lung function in very sick mice and prevent progression of disease in mice that were pre-emptively treated after being exposed to the flu. The hope is that it may also help humans infected with the flu, and potentially other causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) such as SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Original written by: Emily Caldwell


Source: University of Chicago 27 Apr 2021

Researchers have designed a completely novel potential treatment for COVID-19: nanoparticles that capture SARS-CoV-2 viruses within the body and then use the body’s own immune system to destroy them. These “nanotraps” attract the virus by mimicking the target cells the virus infects. When the virus binds to the nanotraps, the traps then sequester the virus from other cells and target it for destruction by the immune system.


Source: Salk Institute 27 Apr 2021

Despite the prevalence of Alzheimer’s, there are still no treatments, in part because it has been challenging to study how the disease develops. Now, scientists have uncovered new insights into what goes awry during Alzheimer’s by growing neurons that resemble—more accurately than ever before—brain cells in older patients. And like patients themselves, the afflicted neurons appear to lose their cellular identity.


Source: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 28 Apr 2021

For the first time, scientists are able to study changes in the DNA of any human tissue, following the resolution of long-standing technical challenges. The new method, called nanorate sequencing (NanoSeq), makes it possible to study how genetic changes occur in human tissues with unprecedented accuracy.


Source: Washington University School of Medicine 28 Apr 2021

Experimental Alzheimer’s drugs have shown little success in slowing declines in memory and thinking, leaving scientists searching for explanations. But new research in mice has shown that some investigational Alzheimer’s therapies are more effective when paired with a treatment geared toward improving drainage of fluid — and debris — from the brain, according to a study led by researchers.

Original written by: Tamara Bhandar


Source: Mayo Clinic 28 Apr 2021

Difficult-to-treat, chronic wounds in preclinical models healed with normal scar-free skin after treatment with an acellular product. Derived from platelets, the purified exosomal product, known as PEP, was used to deliver healing messages into cells of preclinical animal models of ischemic wounds. The research team documented restoration of skin integrity, hair follicles, sweat glands, skin oils and normal hydration.


Source: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 30 Apr 2021

Targeting a pathway that is essential for the survival of certain types of acute myeloid leukaemia could provide a new therapy avenue for patients, the latest research has found. The researchers found that a specific genetic mutation, which is linked with poor prognosis in blood cancer, is involved in the development of the disease when combined with other mutations in mice and human cell lines.


Source: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute 30 Apr 2021

A third of children and adolescents develop a mental health problem after a concussion, which could persist for several years post-injury, according to a new literature review. The research found mental health should be evaluated as part of standard pediatric concussion assessment and management. The researchers said despite many post-concussion and mental health symptoms overlapping, the relationship between delayed recovery and mental health had remained poorly understood until this literature review.


Source: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard 30 Apr 2021

Researchers have created a new gene editing tool called Retron Library Recombineering (RLR) that generates up to millions of mutations simultaneously, and “barcodes” mutant cells so that the entire pool can be screened at once, enabling massive amounts of data to be easily generated and analyzed.

Original written by: Lindsay Brownell



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