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Week in Health (16 – 22 Jan 2021)

Health News related to Fried Food Link to Serious Heart Diseases, Brain Stimulation Alleviating Severe Depression Symptoms, Brain Waves Pointing the Way Where Our Minds Wander, New Discovery in Breast Cancer Treatments, New Approach to Better Classify and Treat Brain Tumors, Childhood Neglect Leaving Generational Imprint, Long-Lasting Anti-Tumor Response in Patients with Melanoma, “Attitude of Gratitude” Keeping Older People Feeling Hopeful as They Age

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: BMJ 18 Jan 2021

Fried-food intake is linked to a heightened risk of major heart disease and stroke, finds a pooled analysis of the available research data. And the risk rises with each additional 114 g weekly serving, the analysis indicates. It’s clear that the Western diet doesn’t promote good cardiovascular health, but it’s not clear exactly what contribution fried food might make to the risks of serious heart disease and stroke, say the researchers.


Source: University of California - San Francisco 18 Jan 2021

Targeted neuromodulation tailored to individual patients’ distinctive symptoms is an increasingly common way of correcting misfiring brain circuits in people with epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease. Now, scientists have demonstrated a novel personalized neuromodulation approach that – at least in one patient – was able to provide relief from symptoms of severe treatment-resistant depression within minutes.

Original written by: Nicholas Weiler


Source: University of California – Berkeley 18 Jan 2021

New research has come up with a way to track the flow of our internal thought processes and signal whether our minds are focused, fixated or wandering. Using an electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure brain activity while people performed mundane attention tasks, researchers identified brain signals that reveal when the mind is not focused on the task at hand or aimlessly wandering, especially after concentrating on an assignment.

Original written by: Yasmin Anwar


Source: University of Adelaide 19 Jan 2021

Researchers have found new evidence about the positive role of androgens in breast cancer treatment with immediate implications for women with estrogen receptor-driven metastatic disease. The study looked at the role of androgens – commonly thought of as male sex hormones but also found at lower levels in women – as a potential treatment for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

Original written by: Crispin Savage


Source: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University 19 Jan 2021

A look at RNA tells us what our genes are telling our cells to do, and scientists say looking directly at the RNA of brain tumor cells appears to provide objective, efficient evidence to better classify a tumor and the most effective treatments. The scientists report that their method, which produces what is termed a transcriptomic profile of the tumor, is particularly adept at recognizing some of the most serious of these tumors.

Original written by: Toni Baker


Source: Elsevier 19 Jan 2021

Early life experiences can have an outsized effect on brain development and neurobiological health. New research shows that those effects can be passed down to subsequent generations, reporting that the infant children of mothers who had experienced childhood emotional neglect displayed altered brain circuitry involved in fear responses and anxiety.


Source: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 21 Jan 2021

Four years after patients with melanoma were treated with a personalized cancer vaccine, the immune response kindled by the vaccine remains robust and effective in keeping cancer cells under control, researchers report in a new study. The findings demonstrate the staying power of the immune response generated by the vaccine, known as NeoVax, which works by targeting specific proteins on each patient’s tumor cells.


Source: University of Exeter 22 Jan 2021

Feeling thankful and grateful for the care and support they have had during their life helps pensioners in the country to be more optimistic, even when they experienced difficulties and were anxious about getting older, an expert found. The expert observed people in their 80s and 90s in the course of long-term ethnographic fieldwork in a merchant neighborhood in the city of Osaka.



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