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Tech Friday (9 – 15 Oct 2020)

Tech News related to Printing Wearable Sensors, AR Goggles for Dogs, SpaceX Crew-1 Delay, Advances in VR, VR to ‘Walk’ Inside Cells, Liquid Metals and Semiconductors, “Breathing” Machines, Concerns in AI Research, Materials by AI, Meme Lord Elon Musk, Twitter – Holocaust Denial Posts, Robots Recognising Pain

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


1. Engineers Print Wearable Sensors Directly on Skin Without Heat

Source: Penn State 9 Oct 2020

Wearable sensors are evolving from watches and electrodes to bendable devices that provide far more precise biometric measurements and comfort for users. Now, an international team of researchers has taken the evolution one step further by printing sensors directly on human skin without the use of heat.

Original written by: Ashley J. WennersHerron


2. The US Army Is Testing Augmented Reality Goggles for Dogs

Source: The Verge 9 Oct 2020

The US Army is trialing a new technology that could “fundamentally change how military canines are deployed in the future” — a pair of augmented reality goggles for dogs. Dogs are put to many uses in modern militaries, from detecting explosives and searching for targets to accompanying infantry patrols in dangerous areas.

Original written by: James Vincent


3. Launch of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 Mission Delayed Until November

Source: The Verge 10 Oct 2020

NASA has delayed the launch of the SpaceX Crew-1 mission until early- to mid-November, the agency announced Saturday. The mission eventually will bring three NASA astronauts and an astronaut from Japan’s JAXA space agency to the International Space Station. Originally scheduled for October 31st, the planned six-month mission was delayed to allow time to resolve issues with the first-stage engine gas generators on the Falcon 9 rocket, NASA said in a statement.

Original written by: Kim Lyons


4. 'Universal Law of Touch' Will Enable New Advances in Virtual Reality

Source: University of Birmingham 12 Oct 2020

Seismic waves, commonly associated with earthquakes, have been used by scientists to develop a universal scaling law for the sense of touch. A team used Rayleigh waves to create the first scaling law for touch sensitivity. The results are published in Science Advances. The researchers are part of a European consortium (H-Reality) that are already using the theory to develop new Virtual Reality technologies that incorporate the sense of touch.


5. New Virtual Reality Software Allows Scientists To ‘Walk’ Inside Cells

Source: University of Cambridge 12 Oct 2020

Virtual reality software which allows researchers to ‘walk’ inside and analyse individual cells could be used to understand fundamental problems in biology and develop new treatments for disease. The software, called vLUME allows super-resolution microscopy data to be visualised and analysed in virtual reality, and can be used to study everything from individual proteins to entire cells.

The original story is licensed under a Creative Commons License


6. Liquid Metals Come to The Rescue of Semiconductors

Source: ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies 12 Oct 2020

Two-dimensional semiconductors offer a possible solution to the limited potential for further shrinking of traditional silicon-based electronics: the long-predicted end of 'Moore's Law'. 2D-based electronics, which could eliminate wasted dissipation of heat and allow for very fast, ultra-low energy operation, could be enabled by a new liquid-metal deposition technique.


7. Researchers Are Working on Tech So Machines Can Thermally ‘Breathe’

Source: University of Central Florida 13 Oct 2020

In the era of electric cars, machine learning and ultra-efficient vehicles for space travel, computers and hardware are operating faster and more efficiently. But this increase in power comes with a trade-off: They get superhot. To counter this, researchers are developing a way for large machines to “breathe” in and out cooling blasts of water to keep their systems from overheating.

Original written by: Robert H Wells


8. Scientists Voice Concerns, Call for Transparency and Reproducibility in AI Research

Source: University Health Network 14 Oct 2020

International scientists are challenging their colleagues to make artificial intelligence (AI) research more transparent and reproducible to accelerate the impact of their findings for cancer patients. In an article published in Nature on Oct. 14, 2020, scientists challenge scientific journals to hold computational researchers to higher standards of transparency, and call for their colleagues to share their code, models and computational environments in publications.


9. Making New Materials Using AI

Source: Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) 14 Oct 2020

A research team has revealed the mechanism behind making materials used in new memory devices by using artificial intelligence. They have succeeded in synthesizing a novel substance that produces electricity by causing polarization at room temperature and confirmed its variation in the crystal structure by applying deep neural network analysis.


10. Elon Musk, Lover of Dumb Jokes, Says He’s Slashing Tesla Model S Price To $69,420

Source: The Verge 14 Oct 2020

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, lover of dirty jokes and weed jokes, is back at it again. On Wednesday, Musk tweeted that Tesla would be reducing the price of its flagship sedan, the Model S, to $69,420. Musk said the “gauntlet has been thrown down,” a likely reference to the announcement today from Lucid Motors that its forthcoming luxury electric sedan, the Lucid Air, would start at $77,400.

Original written by: Andrew J. Hawkins


11. Twitter Will Ban Holocaust Denial Posts, Following Facebook

Source: The Verge 14 Oct 2020

Twitter will ban posts that deny the Holocaust, a company spokesperson confirmed today. The news, first reported by Bloomberg, comes two days after Facebook implemented the same policy. The ban is not listed on Twitter’s website describing its hateful conduct policy. Instead, the ban is said to reflect Twitter’s internal interpretation of how the policy is meant to be applied.

Original written by: Jacob Kastrenakes


12. Scientists Develop ‘Mini-Brains’ To Help Robots Recognise Pain and To Self-Repair

Source: Nanyang Technological University 15 Oct 2020

Using a brain-inspired approach, scientists have developed a way for robots to have the artificial intelligence (AI) to recognise pain and to self-repair when damaged. The system has AI-enabled sensor nodes to process and respond to 'pain' arising from pressure exerted by a physical force. The system also allows the robot to detect and repair its own damage when minorly 'injured', without the need for human intervention.




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