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Tech Friday (2 – 8 Oct 2020)

Graphene – Limitless Power, Apple Sues Partner, Foldable iPhone, Underwater Robots, Organic Transistors, AI and Nanoparticle, Synthetic Biology, Google Workspace, Security Flaw in Apple’s T2 Chip, Twitch on Terrorism, New Solar Panel Design, Fastest UV Camera

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


1. Physicists Build Circuit That Generates Clean, Limitless Power from Graphene

Source: University of Arkansas

A team of physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene’s thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current. The findings, are proof of a theory the physicists developed at the U of A three years ago that freestanding graphene — a single layer of carbon atoms — ripples and buckles in a way that holds promise for energy harvesting.

Original written by: Bob Whitby


2. Apple Sues Recycling Partner for Reselling More Than 100,000 iPhones, iPads And Watches

Source: The Verge

Apple is suing former recycling partner GEEP Canada — now a part of Quantum Lifecycle Partners — for allegedly stealing and reselling at least 103,845 iPhones, iPads and Watches that it was hired to disassemble. “At least 11,766 pounds of Apple devices left GEEP’s premises without being destroyed - a fact that GEEP itself confirmed,” reads a portion of Apple’s complaint.

Original written by: Felicitas Carrique


3. Apple Imagines A Foldable iPhone With A ‘Self-Healing’ Display

Source: The Verge

An Apple patent application reveals an idea for a foldable smartphone that would include a “self-healing” display cover, allowing the device to repair dents or scratches covering the screen. The application, spotted by Patently Apple, was originally filed by Apple in January. As Apple wrote in the patent application, the proposed concept’s display would allow the device to repair itself without the user having to manually intervene.

Original written by: Taylor Lyles


4. What If Underwater Robots Could Autonomously Dock Mid-Mission to Recharge and Transfer Data?

Source: Purdue University

Robots can be amazing tools for search-and-rescue missions and environmental studies, but eventually they must return to a base to recharge their batteries and upload their data. That can be a challenge if your robot is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) exploring deep ocean waters. A team has created a mobile docking system for AUVs, enabling them to perform longer tasks without the need for human intervention.

Original written by: Jared Pike


5. Printing Organic Transistors

Source: Tokyo University

Researchers successfully print and demonstrate organic transistors, electronic switches, which can operate close to their theoretical speed limits. They showed high-speed operation only requires low voltages to work, which would reduce the power consumption of their applications. These kinds of transistors are used in display technology such as liquid crystal display (LCD) screens and e-ink.


6. Biochip Innovation Combines AI and Nanoparticle Printing for Cancer Cell Analysis

Source: University of California – Irvine

Electrical engineers, computer scientists and biomedical engineers at the University of California, Irvine have created a new lab-on-a-chip that can help study tumor heterogeneity to reduce resistance to cancer therapies. Researchers describe how they combined artificial intelligence, microfluidics and nanoparticle inkjet printing in a device that enables the examination and differentiation of cancers and healthy tissues at the single-cell level.


7. Deep Learning Takes on Synthetic Biology

Source: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard

While electronic machines like computers and robots are designed from the ground up to serve a specific purpose, biological organisms are governed by a much messier, more complex set of functions that lack the predictability of binary code. Inventing new solutions to biological problems requires teasing apart seemingly intractable variables – a task that is daunting to even the most intrepid human brains.

Original written by: Lindsay Brownell


8. Google Announces Google Workspace

Source: UK Tech News

Google Cloud today has announced Google Workspace, a new brand identity that reflects a new deeply integrated product experience, plus new editions to purchase tailored to customers’ needs. Google Workspace brings together messaging, meetings, docs, and tasks—all built with trusted Google security and powered by the cleanest cloud in the industry.

Original written by: Alara Basul


9. Apple's T2 Chip Has Unpatchable Security Flaw, Claims Researcher

Source: MacRumors

Intel Macs that use Apple's T2 Security Chip are vulnerable to an exploit that could allow a hacker to circumvent disk encryption, firmware passwords and the whole T2 security verification chain, according to team of software jailbreakers. Apple's custom-silicon T2 co-processor is present in newer Macs and handles encrypted storage and secure boot capabilities, as well as several other controller features.

Original written by: Tim Hardwick


10. Twitch Clarifies Its Ban on Terrorism and Extremist Content

Source: The Verge

Twitch has updated its community guidelines, the rules that govern the site, to clarify its ban of terrorist and extremist content. The move appears to be in order to strengthen its language around that sort of material. Updating its community guidelines is a smart way for Twitch to further elucidate how it plans to deal with offending material in the future.

Original written by: Bijan Stephen


11. Scientists See the Light: New Solar Panel Design Could Lead to Wider Use of Renewable Energy

Source: University of York

Designing solar panels in checkerboard lines increases their ability to absorb light by 125 per cent, a new study says. Researchers say the breakthrough could lead to the production of thinner, lighter and more flexible solar panels that could be used to power more homes and be used in a wider range of products.


12. Researchers Design the World’s Fastest UV Camera

Source: Institut national de la recherche scientifique - INRS

Imagine being able to snap a picture of extremely fast events on the order of a picosecond (11 zeros after the decimal point!). Compressed ultrafast photography (CUP) captures the entire process in real time and unparalleled resolution with just one click. The spatial and temporal information is first compressed into an image and then, using a reconstruction algorithm, it is converted into a video.

Original written by: Audrey-Maude Vézina




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