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Tech Friday (26 Sep – 2 Oct 2020)

Carbon-Based Computers, Quantum Computers, Apple – Epic Games, 3D Biometric – Finger Veins, 5G, Synthetic Biology, Exosuit, Hydropower, CO2 Emissions, Virtual Physician, Thermal Imaging, Artificial Lung

Note: None of the news bits given here are written by Newanced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Metal Wires of Carbon Complete Toolbox for Carbon-Based Computers

Source: University of California – Berkeley

Transistors based on carbon rather than silicon could potentially boost computers’ speed and cut their power consumption more than a thousandfold — think of a mobile phone that holds its charge for months — but the set of tools needed to build working carbon circuits has remained incomplete until now.

Original written by: Robert Sanders


Spin Clean-Up Method Brings Practical Quantum Computers Closer to Reality

Source: Osaka City University

Researchers at Osaka City University create a quantum algorithm that removes spin contaminants while making chemical calculations on quantum computers. This allows for predictions of electronic and molecular behavior with degrees of precision not achievable with classical computers and paves the way for practical quantum computers to become a reality.


Apple's Battle with Epic Games Could Lead to Big Changes in iPhone Apps

Source: CNET

Epic sued on Aug. 13, alleging that the iPhone maker's rules for how big a cut of app sales developers need to pay Apple, and how they can even make money on the popular App Store, are anticompetitive. The suit effectively forces Apple to defend the way it operates its App Store, the only gateway for developers who want to have their apps made available for download on the iPhone.

Original written by: Ian Sherr


3D Biometric Authentication Based on Finger Veins Almost Impossible to Fool

Source: The Optical Society

Biometric authentication, which uses unique anatomical features such as fingerprints or facial features to verify a person’s identity, is increasingly replacing traditional passwords for accessing everything from smartphones to law enforcement systems. A newly developed approach that uses 3D images of finger veins could greatly increase the security of this type of authentication.


5G Wireless May Lead to Inaccurate Weather Forecasts

Source: Rutgers University

Upcoming 5G wireless networks that will provide faster cell phone service may lead to inaccurate weather forecasts, according to a Rutgers study on a controversial issue that has created anxiety among meteorologists. “Our study – the first of its kind that quantifies the effect of 5G on weather prediction error – suggests that there is an impact on the accuracy of weather forecasts,” said the senior author.


Machine Learning Takes on Synthetic Biology: Algorithms Can Bioengineer Cells for You

Source: DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have developed a new tool that adapts machine learning algorithms to the needs of synthetic biology to guide development systematically. The innovation means scientists will not have to spend years developing a meticulous understanding of each part of a cell and what it does in order to manipulate it.


Wearable Exosuit That Lessens Back Muscle Fatigue Could Redesign the Future of Work

Source: Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University engineers have determined that their back-assist exosuit, a clothing-like device that supports human movement and posture, can reduce fatigue by an average of 29–47 percent in lower back muscles. The exosuit’s functionality presents a promising new development for individuals who work in physically demanding fields and are at risk for back pain, including medical professionals and frontline workers.

Original written by: Marissa Shapiro


Untapped Potential Exists for Blending Hydropower, Floating PV

Source: DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Hybrid systems of floating solar panels and hydropower plants may hold the technical potential to produce a significant portion of the electricity generated annually across the globe, according to an analysis by researchers.


The Key to Lowering CO2 Emissions Is Made of Metal

Source: Osaka City University

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are rising and our planet is heating up. What do we do? What if we used this excess CO2 as a raw material to produce things we need - similar to how plants use it to produce oxygen. This is one thing artificial photosynthesis has set out to do.


AI Can Detect COVID-19 in the Lungs Like a Virtual Physician, New Study Shows

Source: University of Central Florida

A new study shows that artificial intelligence can be nearly as accurate as a physician in diagnosing COVID-19 in the lungs. The study shows the new technique can also overcome some of the challenges of current testing. Researchers demonstrated that an AI algorithm could be trained to classify COVID-19 pneumonia in computed tomography (CT) scans with up to 90 percent accuracy

Original written by: Robert Wells


Sensor With 100,000 Times Higher Sensitivity Could Bolster Thermal Imaging

Source: U.S. Army Research Laboratory

Army-funded research developed a new microwave radiation sensor with 100,000 times higher sensitivity than currently available commercial sensors. Researchers said better detection of microwave radiation will enable improved thermal imaging, electronic warfare, radio communications and radar.


Researchers Create Artificial Lung to Support Newborns In Respiratory Distress

Source: McMaster University

An international team of researchers has developed an artificial lung to support pre-term and other newborn babies in respiratory distress. The group has proven the concept using a live piglet, a major step along the route toward approval for use in humans, where the portable device could save many lives and prevent catastrophic damage by taking up some of the placenta’s role in oxygenating the blood until babies are able to breathe independently.

Original written by: Wade Hemsworth




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