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Tech Friday (18 – 24 Dec 2020)

Weekly Tech News related to AI Running Simulations Faithful to Physical Laws, Apple Putting Wistron On Probation in India, Apple Car in 2024, Tech Companies Affected in SolarWinds Hack, Device Detecting Hand Gestures, Advanced Vehicle Research, Bionic Touch Not Remapping the Brain, Improving Glass for Fiber Optics

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Kobe University 18 Dec 2020

A research group has succeeded in developing technology to simulate phenomena for which the detailed mechanism or formula are unexplained. They did this by using artificial intelligence (AI) to create a model, which is faithful to the laws of physics, from observational data.


Source: Tech Crunch 19 Dec 2020

Apple has placed its contract manufacturing partner Wistron on probation and won’t give the Taiwanese firm any new business until it takes “complete corrective actions” following lapses at its southern India plant earlier this month.

Original written by: Manish Singh


Source: The Verge 21 Dec 2020

Apple once again appears to be seriously looking at making a car. Reuters reports that Apple is pursuing production of a passenger vehicle by 2024 as well as the creation of self-driving systems and a “breakthrough battery technology.”

Original written by: Jacob Kastrenakes


Source: The Verge 21 Dec 2020

Last week, news broke that IT management company SolarWinds had been hacked, possibly by the Russian government, and the US Treasury, Commerce, State, Energy, and Homeland Security departments have been affected. The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that some big tech companies have been infected, too. Cisco, Intel, Nvidia, Belkin, and VMware have all had computers on their networks infected with the malware.

Original written by: Mitchell Clark


Source: University of California – Berkeley 21 Dec 2020

Researchers have created a new device that combines wearable biosensors with artificial intelligence software to help recognize what hand gesture a person intends to make based on electrical signal patterns in the forearm. The device paves the way for better prosthetic control and seamless interaction with electronic devices.

Original written by: Kara Manke


Source: DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory 21 Dec 2020

In the quest for advanced vehicles with higher energy efficiency and ultra-low emissions, researchers are accelerating a research engine that gives scientists and engineers an unprecedented view inside the atomic-level workings of combustion engines in real time. The new capability is an engine built specifically to run inside a neutron beam line.


Source: University of Chicago Medical Center 22 Dec 2020

In a cohort of three subjects whose amputated limbs had been replaced with neuromusculoskeletal prosthetic limbs, neuroscientists found that even after a full year of using the devices, the participant’s subjective sensation never shifted to match the location of the touch sensors on their prosthetic devices. The stability of the touch sensations highlights the limits in the ability of the nervous system to adapt to different sensory inputs.

Original written by: Alison Caldwell


Source: Penn State 22 Dec 2020

Rapid, accurate communication worldwide is possible via fiber optic cables, but as good as they are, they are not perfect. Now, researchers suggest that the silica glass used for these cables would have less signal loss if it were manufactured under high pressure.

Original written by: A'ndrea Elyse Messer


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