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Saturday Health (9 – 15 Jan 2021)

Health News related to Modeling Better Artificial Hips, Brain Cancers Fueled by Overactive Mitochondria, Probiotic Coffee and Tea Drinks, Novel Stem Cell Therapy for Children with Rare Heart Condition, High Doses of Saccharin – Diabetes, Nanoparticle Immunization Against Many Strains of Coronaviruses, Low Fitness Link to Higher Psoriasis Risk, Deep Learning Outperforming Standard Machine Learning in Biomedical Research Applications, Repairing the Optic Nerve, Increased Risk of Parkinson's Disease in Patients with Schizophrenia

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Rice University 11 Jan 2021

Engineers hope to make life better for those with replacement joints by modeling how artificial hips are likely to rub them the wrong way. The computational study simulates and tracks how hips evolve, uniquely incorporating fluid dynamics and roughness of the joint surfaces as well as factors clinicians typically use to predict how well implants will stand up over their expected 15-year lifetime.


Source: Columbia University Irving Medical Center 11 Jan 2021

A new study has found that up to 20% of glioblastomas—an aggressive brain cancer—are fueled by overactive mitochondria and may be treatable with drugs currently in clinical trials. The study also found that drugs that inhibit mitochondria—including a currently available drug and an experimental compound that are being tested in clinical trials—had a powerful anti-tumor effect on human brain cancer cells with overactive mitochondria.


Source: National University of Singapore 11 Jan 2021

Good news for those who need a cuppa to start the day. Researchers have created new probiotic coffee and tea drinks that are packed with gut-friendly live probiotics. The researchers who worked on these two new beverages assert that their drinks have a great taste, and can be stored chilled or at room temperature for more than 14 weeks without compromising on their probiotic viability.


Source: Okayama University 12 Jan 2021

In a new study, scientists isolated cardiac stem cells and assessed their potential use as regenerative therapy in young patients with cardiac defects. They confirmed the safety and effectiveness of their proposed treatment in early-phase trials and even identified the mechanism through which the stem cells improved cardiac function. They hope to proceed to larger clinical trials and move towards pharmaceutical approval in the future.


Source: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center 12 Jan 2021

For those trying to live a healthy lifestyle, the choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin can be confusing. A new study found the sugar substitute saccharin doesn’t lead to the development of diabetes in healthy adults as previous studies have suggested.


Source: California Institute of Technology 12 Jan 2021

A research team has designed a protein-based 60-subunit nanoparticle onto which pieces of up to eight different types of coronavirus have been attached. When injected into mice, this vaccine induces the production of antibodies that react to a variety of different coronaviruses—including similar viruses that were not presented on the nanoparticle.

Original written by: Lori Dajose


Source: University of Gothenburg 12 Jan 2021

In a major register-based study, scientists have now demonstrated a connection between inferior physical fitness in young adults and elevated risk of the autoimmune disease psoriasis. For the male recruits to compulsory military training who were rated as the least fit, the risk of developing psoriasis later was 35 percent higher than for the fittest.


Source: Georgia State University 13 Jan 2021

Compared to standard machine learning models, deep learning models are largely superior at discerning patterns and discriminative features in brain imaging, despite being more complex in their architecture, according to a new study. The researchers are using deep learning to learn more about how mental illness and other disorders affect the brain.


Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine 14 Jan 2021

In experiments in mouse tissues and human cells, researchers say they have found that removing a membrane that lines the back of the eye may improve the success rate for regrowing nerve cells damaged by blinding diseases. The findings are specifically aimed at discovering new ways to reverse vision loss caused by glaucoma and other diseases that affect the optic nerve, the information highway from the eye to the brain.


Source: University of Turku 15 Jan 2021

A new study shows that patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder have an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease later in life. The increased risk may be due to alterations in the brain’s dopamine system caused by dopamine receptor antagonists or neurobiological effects of schizophrenia.



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