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Saturday Health (2 – 8 Jan 2021)

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

Health News related to Using AI for New Uses for Medications, Worse Outcomes When Cancer Spreads to Liver, Treating Type 2 Diabetes, Traveling Making You Happier, Self-Controlled Children - Healthier Middle-Aged Adults, COVID-19 Test Results in A Few Minutes, COVID-19 In Young Children, Smoking - Increased Risk Of COVID-19 Symptoms, Tiny Wireless Device for Combating Obesity

Note: None of the news bits (and cover picture) given here are written/owned by NewAnced's authors. The links on each of the news bits will redirect to the news source. Content given under each headline is a basic gist and not the full story.


Source: Ohio State University 4 Jan 2021

Scientists have developed a machine-learning method that crunches massive amounts of data to help determine which existing medications could improve outcomes in diseases for which they are not prescribed. The intent of this work is to speed up drug repurposing, which is not a new concept – think Botox injections, first approved to treat crossed eyes and now a migraine treatment and top cosmetic strategy to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Original written by: Emily Caldwell


Source: Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan 4 Jan 2021

A new study finds that tumors in the liver siphon off critical immune cells, rendering immunotherapy ineffective. But coupling immunotherapy with radiotherapy to the liver in mice restored the immune cell function and led to better outcomes. The team looked at data from 718 patients who had received immunotherapy at the center.

Original written by: Nicole Fawcett


Source: Oregon State University 4 Jan 2021

Researchers have found that a few organisms in the gut microbiome play a key role in type 2 diabetes, opening the door to possible probiotic treatments for a serious metabolic disease affecting roughly one in 10 Americans.

Original written by: Steve Lundeberg


Source: Washington State University 4 Jan 2021

People dreaming of travel post-COVID-19 now have some scientific data to support their wanderlust. A new study shows frequent travelers are happier with their lives than people who don’t travel at all. Researchers conducted a survey to find out why some individuals travel more frequently than others and whether or not travel and tourism experiences have a prolonged effect on happiness and wellness.

Original written by: Will Ferguson


Source: Duke University 5 Jan 2021

In a large study that has tracked a thousand people from birth through age 45 in New Zealand, researchers have determined that people who had higher levels of self-control as children were aging more slowly than their peers at age 45. Their bodies and brains were healthier and biologically younger.

Original written by: Karl Leif Bates


Source: University of Birmingham 5 Jan 2021

A new COVID-19 test that reduces testing time from 30 minutes to less than five and delivers accurate results has been developed by researchers. The test does not require samples to be treated at high temperatures, and it can be performed using standard laboratory equipment, making it readily deployable.


Source: University of New South Wales 6 Jan 2021

Babies and asymptomatic cases account for up to half of COVID-19 infections in the under-five age group, which has implications for vaccination programs, a new study has found. A systematic review and meta-analysis of international COVID-19 literature has confirmed that while children under five years old were likely to recover from the infection, half of those infected were infants and almost half of the infected under-fives were asymptomatic.

Original written by: Caroline Tang


Source: King's College London 6 Jan 2021

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of COVID-19 symptoms and smokers are more likely to attend hospital than non-smokers, a study has found. The study investigates the association between smoking and the severity of the COVID-19. Researchers analyzed data from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study App. Of the participants of the app, 11% were smokers.


Source: Texas A&M University 8 Jan 2021

In a new study, researchers have described a medical device that might help with weight loss and requires a simpler operative procedure for implantation. Researchers said their centimeter-sized device provides the feeling of fullness by stimulating the endings of the vagus nerve with light. Unlike other devices that require a power cord, their device is wireless and can be controlled externally from a remote radio frequency source.

Original written by: Rachel Rose




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